Sunday, December 17, 2006

Oh my look at the time!

So my son didn't wake us up until 1 pm! Which is actually good because I went to bed at 6:30 so I needed the sleep. but my whole day is pushed up now. I got some of the laundry done, seperated the Christmas decorations, sprinkled all the carpets with that smelly stuff lol, posted a little here and there, grabbed some more freebies, did a little in PS and now am going to make my way into the kitchen where I have had ribs in the crock pot since last night. All I need to do now is make the rice, a vegetble and salad and VOILA! Then it's onto decorating, Alex still needs to get the lights on the tree though before we can do anything with the tree. (Insert one eyebrow up emoticon here) OK will be back later on with some pics.

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