Thursday, February 8, 2007

OK What's your opinion?

There are a few things which really make me nuts. One of them is when I get a kit and all of the elements or alpha are on one page. I HATE THAT! I don't want to sit there seperating out the items I want to use. I'm sorry but I like to be able to look at the items and go bada bing -- done, it's on my LO and that's it. I hate having to go in with the magic wand or rectangle, circle ---whatever - and have to "cut out" the element I want to use. That just seems lazy to me. Anyone else feel the same way? I just made two sets of alpha and numerals for my new kit and I made each letter an individual png. Is it just me or do you prefer seperate as well?


maryse said...

First thank you for your comments on my blog. I love reading them.
Second, I (almost) always separate the alphas. It's because some people are using kits with power point (!?!). As for me, I prefer having them on one page. I prefer cutting them, and not having 10 windows opened...

Anonymous said...

I kind of like having them all together because I don't constantly have to keep going back to my file browser and opening and closing letters to place on my page; I can just open the full png file and cut and paste away. But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn down a set of Alphas I really liked just because they are individual--I have both and use them.