Monday, June 9, 2008

Yep I didn't do it

I haven't posted since May 30th! Tracy let me know that the other day in an e-mail. I have been a little busy here. I tried to get up my Divine Grab Bag but time wouldn't allow me then I lost connection while uploading it on Friday and had to restart. So needless to say there will not be a PU Grab Bag from me this month. I will be putting the items in the Boutique though for 50% off so you will still be able to get them for a great deal! Here are some previews:

So I hope you like them!

Have you been visiting the Divine Digital Forums to get your Father's Day DAD? It's called Daddy's Candy and today is day ten of your downloads. Check out these previews:

I am going to make this post short. Just wanted everyone to know that I was alive (maybe I still am lol) and that I am just up to my ears in things. Plus, don't forget the boys are home for the summer now too so things are a little different. John is working his tail off and Charles is hanging out with his friends..... mostly at our house lol. So we always have a bunch of boys at the house, unless we are not there then he goes to their house. We have been playing cards every night too. We taught one of his friends Danny (my almost 3rd son lol) last night how to play "Speed" it's a fun card game. Charles almost beat me. Key word being "ALMOST" lol. Ahhhh grasshopper, you will never surpass your Master" ROFLMBO. OK gotta run.

Oh and just for a teaser, do you like fantasy? Do you have children to scrap? Hmmmm, you might want to keep checking out my boutiques for the next week or so. There may be a magical surprise there fr you ;)


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