Monday, January 8, 2007

Don't do this with your Wacom Pen

I go to use my Wacom pen about 2 or 3 weeks ago and guess what? It doesn't want to work. I go to erase a small spot and it "sticks" and takes a chunk out of my drawing (Thank GOD for undo)So I, of course, blame one of my kids because they are always touching it. The last time I used the pen I had taken it out of the slot that runs across the top of the pad - it's a perfect fit - but I never put it there, I always leave it in the stand so I knew someone had touched it. Come to find out it was Alex who put it there. He had seen it on my desk and figured he would put it into the slot. Well when he gets on the phone and tells the person what is happening with the pen, the person starts to laugh and says "Did you place the pen in the slot on the paf?" He says "yes" like he's proud of it lol. Well that's the problem. Apparently you are not supposed to leave the pen there because as you are using the mouse it gets it's "wires" crossed and causes the pen to not work correctly. The poor man liked to have died right there. I started laughing and yelled out from my room to the kids "Alex did it!" "He broke my pen" They were like "AHA!! For once it wasn't us" Too funny. I felt so bad for him, he was just trying to help by putting the pen there. And not for nothing but why on earth would they put a slot for your pen to fit in perfectly if it wasn't supposed to go there? Well Alex asked the guy on the phone that and he said it's more for if you want to place a real pen or pencil there. (insert raised eybrow/cynnical emoticon here) Sigh. Anyway the answer to the $64,000 questions is: Remove the tip from the pen, place the pen somewhere away from the pad and computer and leave the tip in the little stand for 2 days. My pen IS WORKING!! Wooohoooo, I drew a little foot and some booties last night to go with my January Contribution over at DSC. I was able to erase and curve and doodle my little heart out! So the moral of this Ladies and Gentlemen: READ the instructions that come with every new toy you get AND NEVER NEVER put your pen in a place a pen was meant to go ;)

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